
6 Ways Small Businesses Can Use Their Website More Effectively

Your website is an integral component and vital aspect of your sales and marketing goals and must be a lead generation, promotion, and conversion tool. Right at the start of this year, it may well be a decent time to gauge the effectiveness of your existing website to figure out what changes can be introduced to increase the visibility, reach and lead generation for your small business through your site. Here’re the top 6 ways small businesses can make better use of their websites to increase sales and enhance brand recognition: Start a blog on your business website The essence of content marketing is truly skin-deep. Blogging on your corporate site will demonstrate your skills and expertise, can deliver SEO advantages to make your website more visible on search engines, and help your visitors get to know more about your organization. Also, it provides sublime content that you can share on various social networks to bring volumes of traffic to your small business website. Blog...

5 Android Apps That Will Make You More Efficient

They connect to the Internet, allow us to do work effectively, saving our time and energy, and we always have them close at hand. That makes these smartphones the prime candidates to aid us in being a touch more productive. There are numerous options for Android apps that can help us in becoming more and more productive in your life. Here's a look at the top 5 Android apps that boost productivity to no end: 1. The awesome Evernote Evernote is one of the benchmark productivity apps for Android that virtually all smartphone users know about. It offers a confluence of features, including cross-platform support, offline support, syncing between devices, and you can easily take almost any kind of note on it (be it video, text, image, list, or voice). You can even collaborate with your friends, colleagues and other people on Evernote. It's as simple as sharing a note. Though the free version of Evernote is a tad lackluster and uninviting, it offers two pro subscriptions for y...

5 Reasons to Use .NET for your Next IoT Project

10 years back when IoT has just started, there were very few engineers exploring IoT application development . Today, a large bunch of people is interested in IoT. Few of them use IoT to make devices which can be used at home while others use Industrial IoT (IIoT) to improve the effectiveness of industries. The huge interest in making of IoT devices in addition to the availability of various components has helped in the development of various platforms for   the creation   of IoT solutions.  Some of the platforms are outdated while some are widely used today. Asp Dot Net is an example of a platform which can keep up with the recent trends in IoT development. There are many big companies like Amazon, Dell who work with dot Net because of its versatile nature and a great performance which is two most important features of IoT software development . Let's dive in to know why the combination of Dot Net and IoT is so favorable. 1. Windows 10 IoT Core Becau...

5 iPhone Apps That Will Make You More Efficient

There’s no time to waste when you’re running a business, no matter how small or large your scheme of things is! Fortunately, the right tablet or smartphone apps can easily help you trim down on overall wasted time. Here’re the top 5 apps that can come pretty handy in making your business team more agile, efficient and productive. 1.OneNote There are numerous fantastic note-taking applications on Google Play and its iOS counterpart; however, OneNote is definitely a crowd favorite, thanks to its easy-to-use UI and calm professional graphics. That implies you will waste less time navigating across different menus and will be able to get back to work faster. In addition, OneNote is completely integrated with Microsoft Office and comes by default pre-loaded on all PCs running Windows 8, therefore the majority of business users already have it. And as it is available for almost all computing platform, including Mac OSX, Android and iOS, you can easily access your OneNote from all your ...

The Truth About 5 Ways Successful App Entrepreneurs Plan Their App Strategy

We’re today completely into the ‘app age’. The app economy is flourishing with an expected annual revenue of more than $25bn and 1mn apps on various app stores. However, seeing the rapid surge in the number of apps in the market, the biggest question is, how many of these apps are able to entice the users and ultimately make money? Stats have to that 1 in every 4 mobile apps is discarded and never used after download. It clearly suggests that the download rate and count doesn’t reveal the success of an app. The fact is that there are just a few apps that every user runs on a daily basis. Therefore, there’s a sense of urgency for custom software development companies to plan ahead, be proactive, and devise a strategy that can accentuate the success of their apps. Here’re the top 5 key ingredients that can help you make a successful app strategy: Solve a problem. Every successful app solves a problem being faced by numerous people. We understand the important of vitamins fo...

How IoT Works in Healthcare and Life Sciences

Wearable devices precisely show how much technological developments influence our lives. According to statistics, the wearables market is esteemed to grow over $830 million by 2020. And such huge global success would not be possible if these gadgets weren’t so smart. So, it’s not so strange that these devices found their way into the healthcare and life science industry. Actually, they just might be a game changer, as they are a revolution in patient care. With improved diagnosis, real monitoring, and preventive as well as the regular treatments, more and more institutions, along with their patients, embrace this miracle of digital technology. What is IoT in Healthcare ? The Internet of Things are smart devices which enable machine-machine and machine-human interaction. The main reason they are called smart is due to their built-in sensors that accurately collect data for further analysis and action. Just like home monitoring tools, wearables, and mobile healthcare apps, by u...

How To Implement Custom Model Binders In ASP.NET MVC?

Custom Model in ASP.NET can be created using Entity Framework, ADO.NET code or other data access tactics. While working on  ASP Dot NET development for building the Model layer, declare Plain Old CLR Objects (POCO). If you use Entity Framework, then the app provides POCO objects which you can use as entities. The MVC (Model-View-Controller) provides action techniques to access POCO objects as its input parameters and the action technique uses the CLR objects to save it to the database.  ASP.NET MVC scaffolds Views using POCO. And the Model Binder comes into picture during the scaffolding process. The Model binder maps the View Elements to POCO model properties while the model binder acts as a bridge between the View and the MVC models. Model Binder in ASP.NET MVC: MVC utilizes following types for Model Binding: IModelBinder interface - Defines the methods that are essential for a Model Binder, such as the BindModel method. It is responsible for binding a model to ...

Understand The Functionality of Java Virtual Machine

At the heart of each java program, software called Java virtual machine functions to interpret the compiled Java byte codes to run the program. You may be aware with the fact that Java is a high level object oriented language, which is compiled through java codes. At first, a java complier converts the language in highly efficient byte codes. Then, JVM converts generated byte codes into a set of commands to run a particular program. As this is an independent language, so it can be used at all platforms such as windows, Linux and all mobile devices. You may have seen gaming applications in mobile phones based on this technology. Currently, top known game applications are products of this language. So, it is required to know the operation process of this tool. Surprisingly, this machine does not relate with programming languages. As it only understand byte code format, so the programmer can create byte codes, which adheres this format at all operating systems. You mu...

Security Model of Dot NET Development

While developing websites or web applications on .NET technology, the developers tend to follow the security model which makes the hosting, service offerings and coding more credible. Further more, majority of the offshore Dot Net Development Companies have also developed their own security management model which is generally utilized by the experts to make a perfect project delivery. The best part of this model is that the developers don’t require to generate heavy coding for developing a smart web structure. It is in fact much easier for them to make sand box improvements for the web structures and deliver their services in the most professional way. How does this security model works? This security model works  synchronizedly  and  naturally  revises the mistakes in the coding structure. So at whatever point you need to check the genuineness of the codes, you should right off the bat put the codes in this computerized analyzer which will let you know wh...

Benefits of Java over Other Programming Languages

What contrasts Java from numerous other programming dialects is the way that applications written in Java are executed on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). In this way, not at all like different dialects, Java programs are ordered not into the machine codes but rather into a middle of the road dialect called bytecode, that is executed not on the equipment itself, but rather on a JVM. This brings one of the key advantages of Java - Independence from stage, i.e. Java-construct applications can keep running with respect to Windows, Linux, or whatever else. The primary concern is to have a JVM introduced on the gadget.  Advantages Of Java Java has noteworthy preferences over different dialects that make it reasonable for any programming  The advantages of Java are: Java is easy to learn Java was intended to be anything but difficult to utilize and is in this way considerably more simple to compose, order, troubleshoot, run and learn than other programming dialects....